Sunday, 22 April 2007

Smart and Automated house technologies

The day of which we dreamt of in some centuries ago is becoming true in today's world.The technology is making revolutions in the field of science and making all the fictions real. Virtual environments, automated houses, electronic devices etc have changed the course of life and made our lifestyle easier. We have made machines work for us in all areas of life .These advances in technology have made the world smaller and made control over it effective.

Automated home

Automated houses or smart homes are those where all the devices in the home are automatic which doesn't need someone to operate it instead operates on itself when induced them with a controller system. All the items like security system, curtains, furniture, electronic appliances, power system, gas system, all these have become automatic. These devices are operated by a master controller which operates on spoken interace. Spoken interface makes access the sophisticated devices by a programmed interface. It recognizes the voice of the user already programmed into it and acts according to it.

Once we have spoken dialogue based control of devices from within the home, remote control via the telephone is a natural extension. We can phone up the house to ask if we have left any devices on, and then ask the house to turn it off. Sometimes by doing some actions too the devices can be operated ,like clapping hands will on the lights and so on. The user has to decide of what type of interface should be there to operate.

Structure of a smart home

Automated home devices may be of different types.One of the kind would be that all the devices in home are controlled by a central dailogue manager and all the devices acts according to the manager which has speech capabilities.Other type would be that all devices would have on board speech capability.The third type is a mixed of noth the above mentioned types with both a manager which comntrols and devices with speech technology and all these devices are connected with each other.From these differentiations the devices can be separated into 2 types namely , standalone devices and networked devices.

Computer kit for a smart home

Many of growing elder people are turning up for these technologies as they find it difficult to operate all the things at home.Even persons with disabilities also get to operate these devices at home easily by voice control protocols.
By this inventions elder citizens and disabled are getting benifits and overcome their illness and carryout work themselves.The changes in technology are bringing about a newsociety, where in the people have advanced abilities to manipulate both the physical world and worlds of illusion.There are some disadvantages though when considering these advancements in technology.The technology may be misused for some purpose to undermine reality. Although we are enjoying this freedom of being in virtual environment, but this may impose us with some potential problems which might be severe in the near future as scientists fearthat would happen .


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